понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

daily prayer online

You asked me what i want.
between the trees and cicadas singing apos;round the pond
i spent an hour with you, could i want anything else?

i had a dream last night.
and it was of you, though you never read these pages.

i found a book in a library, some large old thing looking like it was bound some time far away,
but how long could it be when it seemed like only yesterday
i had a love for you that i didnt realize.
perhaps you were mine from the start.
when i was the mother goddess, you must have been inside my womb
before either of us were cast into the flesh and pain that is the waking world.

this book; i opened it, with this strange feeling of recognition. It was a group of authors, all telling stories of their lives. I flipped the pages and i was looking for something i didnt know, but then, there is that feeling that you were mine once. I turned another page and there was the story of me and you. A simple header, dressed in gold. It stemmed from the few brief moments we had in chicago, the drawings you made me, and onward to the deadly kiss that made you see. Opened your eyes, made you long for me like you never had before. And it went on.

on into these pictures of you and i, of long bleach blonde hair and a sundress with bug eye glasses, hand grasping at yours, and your face, that edward norton look alike that i find hard to resist, only you still are prettier. And then im wearing your t-shirt again, but no matter the photograph a smile is on my face, strange to behold, and we are always in some sunny place, whether it be a california beach or a shining forest.

i set the book down, and it was like i knew exactly where to find you.

in this dream place i left my apartment, and walked down low lit streets at night. There was a small cluttered area of shops and galleries, a bohemian hangout where you never knew if it was safe to be there. But i had a purpose, i knew where i was going. And then i found you, in a small underground radio studio. Sitting all by yourself.

you had the book in your hands.

and it was a secretive love where we kept our words guarded. I came to find you every night, as the difficulty improved because the landscape changed everytime. I held your hand and it was almost as good as those pictures said it would be, only we were both a little more stained and it wasnt sunny anymore. It was always night. But it was love.

and this is the part where i wake up and wonder what this all means. Why does my subconscious feel the need to resurrect things that are so painful iapos;d rather leave them behind? and then why is it fair to kyle that i still have these leylines running from my heart and roped around the leg of those people i left and wished i never did.

i did love him. I dont know why and i dont know why i didnt realize it. We were the same and then he vanished from me, but i suppose it was fair. I tried to push him away, make him resent me, as i was awash with the dingy glow of the good then bad relationship with aaron. Even when i was 1200 miles away, still he longed for me and would have no other. People have a breaking point though, and he reached his. And now i regret. I would hop on a plane tomorrow if he would so ask me of it. But he wont, and its my fault.

im sick of all this regret. I should just be satisfied, but you all know me better than that.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

amazing wok and latham ny

well here i am, waiting for the cup noodles water to boil and later having a midnight feast. Well sort of. Wait the water is ready. Bag.
okay back, that was fulfilling. It is now 1:40 in the morning and iapos;m bored. Iapos;m too awake too go to sleep and too lazy to go take a shower (also too scared to go on the computer for fear that my grandma will wake up and catch me). I really should go take a shower and sleep but i am deternmined on getting my score up on xugame. God iapos;m such a loser but i have great perservererance ugh so i am currently depressed over my scores and canapos;t seem to get them up. Poop. Crap now itapos;s 1:50. Ughhh i hate taking showers. Seriously, i donapos;t know how i do it everyday and it takes me like forever to take one. I hope my grandma doesnapos;t wake up anytime soon cuz iapos;ll be screwed and probably have my laptop taken away from me. Anyways, today i woke up at 12. Hah maybe thatapos;s why iapos;m so awake. Well it isnapos;t really my fault, my mom was gone and i was hecka tired from last night. I was home alone so i decided to play halo 3 for like the 1st time by myself. I got pretty far and was content with my skills. Surprisingly, i didnapos;t even get nauseous. Then after that, i got on the computer as usual and called christina. I asked her what the plan was for the chiodos, silverstein, alesana, escape the fate, a skylit drive concert. Godd i was so dissapointed when she said that we didnapos;t have a ride. Theyapos;re like my all time favorite bands. But i felt better when she said that we should go see nick and norahapos;s infinite playlist today. Quickly, we made new plans to hang out. Her mom would pick me up at 7 and weapos;d go to the mall until 8:30 and then go see the movie. Content, i patiently waited until 7. Oh forgot to mention that itapos;s my momapos;s birthday today. Hah i forgot oops. Well, i got on gmail around 6 and talked to nevin. Thereapos;s never anything to talk about anymore and there are so many longgg awkward silences=[[. We used to say like 1000 lines but now we donapos;t talk for more than 100. Thatapos;s so pathetic. Disappointed, i got ready and left the house. Greeted with christinaapos;s loud cackling laughter, i knew it would be fun. Right when we reached macyapos;s, we saw hunter (arsh and hershapos;s friend� that we knew from their party). After walking a few steps, we also saw nicole. Christina asked her if she wanted to watch the movie with us. I, of course, didnapos;t. Itapos;s not like i didnapos;t
like her or anything but i knew i wasnapos;t going to act like myself or talk that much around her. She went to go ask her mom and said sheapos;d call us at 8ish. We were at american eagle when she called. I had just gotten a purple sweatshirt from there that took so long for me to make up my mind. Relieved sadly, she said she couldnapos;t as she didnapos;t have a ride back home. I tried to act disappointed and sympathetic� though i felt really superficial and mean. We lost track of time and dashed to the movie theater. Right on time, i went to go buy the popcorn. There was this worker cleaning the butter station and i felt like such a fatty as i stood, pouring the butter for at least 5 minutes (a fat rule me and christina made up). The movie was really good and probably the best movie i have ever seen. The only bad part was that i spilled the popcorn on the ground so the puddle of butter that was in the bag spilled out all over the floor. Hah it was like 2 inches of liquid butter. Everyone who was walking out, slipped. And now my boots are going to smell like popcorn butter. Crap. Now itapos;s 2:25. Ahhhh time is passing so quickly. After that i went home and now iapos;m on the computer. Today was a good day. Hope tomorrow will be too and that nevin will talk to me without awkward silence. Bye.

amazing wok and latham ny.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bulgogi recipes

Iapos;ve done a LOT today First I wrote 3 pages of a 7 page paper Then I completely DEMOLISHED and then cleaned then put back together my room, next Iapos;ve been playing a lot with Bun today, and experimenting with what she likes to eat (apparently she LOVES granola bars). Next I got to watch Vlad The Impaler YAY I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, THAT MOVIE Iapos;ve been studying for my test on and off lately, and wrote out my schedule for finishing my practicum hours...Iapos;ve also noticed Iapos;m in a bit of a persnickety mood as of late, although Iapos;ve not called anyone out, Iapos;m ready too And the worst part...ITapos;S OVER NOTHING I *think* that this time last year tempers soared, but for different reasons. Plus itapos;s around mid-term, and from now til finals is *shudder* crunch-time So I think thatapos;s another reason weapos;re at each others throats. Well, only another 2 months til finals, and in between that time I go home twice in a month for my dr. Appt and Thanksgiving. Then, 3 weeks later I come home again for a month so itapos;s not that much longer...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

catheterization cardiovascular interventions

I am so very, very tempted to restart my WoW account in November when the new expansion comes out.

Even knowing what this game does to my social life. Even knowing what this game does to my life overall. Iapos;m one of those who canapos;t just do this game part-time; I get sucked into it too much, so much so that it takes over my life. In other words, I get addicted.

Still, knowing this, I am seriously considering buying the expansion.

agios minas, catheterization cardiovascular interventions, catheterization bladder, catheterization bdsm, catheterization and cardiovascular interventions journal.